2014년 12월 7일 일요일
Week 7 SLOG
I try to use my SLOG as a summary of things that the class went over during lecture. During this weeks lecture, we a method of solving proofs: proof by cases. The reason why this is tricky to me is for two reasons. First, I have to find the proper chain to link the two statements together. Second, I have to be open to different cases in which the proof is possible. If I was comparing this to integral calculus (MAT136H1), proof would be equivalent to a integral question. An equation can be integrated in many different ways (i.e. integration by parts, substitution rule, etc.). This is relevant to proof because proof can be done in several ways as well. Some methods we learned in class are by contradiction and cases. To mention some other things we covered in lecture, it was about some basic sorting algorithms that I have covered in csc108 and 148.
2014년 12월 6일 토요일
Week 6: Thanksgiving
Monday was Thanksgiving. There was no tutorial quiz. Some the lecture content we learned about today was the "floor."
The lecture material covered material covered materials including proofs using floor. During my calculus classes, I have seen a lot of the notations used in statements, but floor was unfamiliar to me.
Week 4 SLOG
The highlight of this week's lecture was being introduced to writing proofs. The first example,
was confusing at first because I had trouble finding the chain.. One good thing to keep in mind is that a you can connect a chain in both forward and backward directions.
The tutorial for this week was mainly based on proving equivalence and negating statements. This is probably a familiar concept for a lot of my classmates as myself because we have been using manipulation rules since the beginning of the course.
2014년 12월 4일 목요일
SLOG week 5
I felt that the term test was very similar to the example that the professor uploaded on the csc165 website. If there was one question that I was a bit confused with would be the last one. I tried to solve the question using vacuous truth, but the solution didn't use it, so I may have gotten only part marks for the question. The term test didn't ask ask proof questions but the tutorial questions asked for the general outline of the proofs. I am becoming just a bit more comfortable with solving proof questions. The quiz didn't ask for specific either.
2014년 12월 2일 화요일
Assignment 1 SLOG
This is my SLOG based on the course material from week one to three including the first assignment.
Overall, the assignment went well, although I've made a couple mistakes here and there.
One concept I had difficulty with is regarding where to fill in and where to leave blank in the four sections of a Venn Diagram depending on which quantifier (
) is used. One approach I took to overcome this problem is to first negate the statement, and try both Venn Diagrams before I consider my solution.
I think that implications based on quantifiers will be a foundation for a lot of math and computer science courses. This concept is also used in my statistics course, so it is a good review.
I think that implications based on quantifiers will be a foundation for a lot of math and computer science courses. This concept is also used in my statistics course, so it is a good review.
Week 2 SLOG
When I think about the term "computer science", I can only think of heavy calculations, and programming with various languages. I am surprised to know that computer scientists use English in terms of mathematical proofs to communicate with each other, and that it is essential for students like me to learn them too.
Thankfully, English is my first language.
I can only imagine how non-native speakers are feeling
about this class, but I think that it would go something like this.
I would like to use my SLOG as a review for my final exam as I continue updating my blog.
I am also taking STA247H1 this term.
Most of the symbols I learned so far in this course are used in the statistical
probability as well, so I find CSC165H1 highly helpful. I am looking forward to
the material coming up.
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